Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are very conveniently located just minutes from Highway 401 between Woodstock and Kitchener, Ontario outside the beautiful community of Bright.

Is there a parking fee?

It is completely free to park at The Walters Theatre. We suggest that if you need accessible parking, that you arrive early, to receive parking closer to the facility.

Are you an accessible facility?

Yes. We are fully accessible. We ask that you let us know if you need special seating when you book your tickets so that we can accommodate you better. Limited accessible seating and parking per show.

Is the theatre air-conditioned?

Our facility is air-conditioned although being in a 200 year old barn, in extreme warm weather conditions, you will feel the heat of the summer.

How do we get tickets?

You can buy tickets online or call our Box Office at 519-463-5559. We accept VISA and Mastercard at the time of your booking. You can receive your tickets by email, day of show pickup at box office or by mail.

What is your venue and ticket policy?

Our policy can be found HERE.

Can I bring my pet with me?

We are sorry but there are no pets allowed on our property or in our venue.

Can I bring my own food or drink?

We do not allow outside food or beverages at our venue. We do, however, have a selection of light food items and drinks (including bottled water) within our premises for sale.